This instant budget calculator can help outline your income & expenses, and show the difference between the two.
Monthly Income
Employment Income: $0
Pension/Annuities: $0
Child Support: $0
Employment Insurance: $0
Social assistance: $0
Self-employment: $0
Child Tax Benefit: $0
Other net income: $0
Monthly Housing Expenses
Rent/Mortgage: $0
Heating/Gas/Oil: $0
Cell Phone and/or Home Phone: $0
Cable and Internet: $0
Hydro: $0
Water: $0
Furniture: $0
Other: $0
Monthly Personal Expenses
Restaurants: $0
Entertainment: $0
Other $0
Monthly Living Expenses
Food/Groceries/Clothing: $0
Laundry/Grooming: $0
Other $0
Monthly Transportation Expenses
Car leases/Payments: $0
Gas: $0
Repairs: $0
Public Transportation: $0
Monthly Insurance Expenses
House: $0
Vehicle: $0
Furniture/Contents/Tenant: $0
Life Insurance: $0
Other: $0
Total income: $0
Total expenses: $0
Difference: $0
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Todays date: Tuesday the 18th of February 2025